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The Hutchins School

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The Hutchins School


This year, five year 12 students will be abseiling 73m down the Wrest Point Casino as part of THE EDGE abseil, raising money for the Royal Hobart Hospital. 


On Sunday 2 June 2019, assisted by outdoor adventure specialists, Aardvark Adventures, participants will scale 73 metres down the Wrest Point tower to raise money for the RHH Research Foundation, an independent entity that invests funds to support local health and medical research in Tasmania.  




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The Hutchins School

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    Local medical research saves lives

    The Research Foundation is an independent entity, raising funds for local health and medical research in Tasmania.

    Since establishment in 1997, through the generosity of the community, the Foundation has invested over $8m in funding for research that is of particular relevance to diseases and disorders which per capita are more prevalent in Tasmania.

    Several current and recent research projects include investigation into various forms of cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, asthma, diabetes, Jack Jumper research, Vitamin D, oxygenation of pre term infants and predicting recovery following brain trauma to name just a few. The RHH Research Foundation has also appointed eight post-doctoral research fellows to undertake significant investigations into conditions including Parkinson’s disease, Cystic Fibrosis, general respiratory disease, haematology and Multiple Sclerosis on a full time basis.

    As an independent entity, the Foundation relies on the corporate and general communities for its fundraising.

    Please help us continue world class medical and health research - your donation can make a positive difference.

    Your donations will contribute to significant local health and medical research with the potential to improve health and wellbeing for people everywhere.

    By supporting an active, well-resourced medical research program in Tasmania, you’ll help us attract and retain highly skilled medical personnel, enhancing quality medical care for Tasmanians.

    Find out more:

    Phone: (03) 6166 1319

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